Logic pro x update problems
Logic pro x update problems

logic pro x update problems

The horizontal zoom slider in the File Tempo Editor now allows all possible zoom sizes.Acid loops are no longer labeled as Apple loops in the File Tempo editor.Adapt Project Tempo and All Regions to Region Tempo and Downbeat now works as expected in KEEP mode when it is chosen from the Action menu in the File Tempo Editor.Adapt Project Tempo and All Regions maintains proper sync between regions in cases where regions are placed before 1 1 1 1 in the project.The focus no longer unexpectedly jumps to the beginning of the first region on the first track of a group when moving a Beat Marker in another region from the group in the File Tempo Editor.Zooming in the File Tempo Editor now focused around the playhead, as in other editors.The Smart Tempo mode “On + Align Bars” now accounts properly for time signature changes.Ctrl–Option to zoom now works in the File Tempo editor.The playhead in the File Tempo Editor no longer jumps to the start of the region if the region is clicked again in the Tracks area.Tempo analysis is now performed on multiple selected audio files.The “Adapt Region Tempo to Project Tempo and Align Downbeat” command now works as expected when “Flex & Follow” is not enabled.The Split Regions command now splits selected regions at the correct position in cases where the audio files contain tempo information.Moving a Downbeat Marker to the left in the File Tempo Editor no longer causes an unexpected Beat Marker and Downbeat Marker to be added to the right, throwing off the positions of other markers to the right of the edit.The File Tempo Editor now displays as expected when double-clicking on very long regions.There is no longer a delay when selecting a mixer fader in the Environment in large projects.ChromaVerb no longer sometimes causes unexpected spikes in CPU usage.Logic Pro no longer sometimes becomes unresponsive after removing an instance of Space Designer from a project originally created in a previous version.Undoing the creation of a Track Stack or deletion of an Aux in the Mixer no longer sometimes sets all channels to No Output and disables the Audio Engine.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly in certain rare cases when opening projects created in earlier versions.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly sometimes when using a non-US keyboard to enter certain characters into the Scripter plug-in.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly sometimes when changing presets in the Klopfgeist instrument plug-in.

logic pro x update problems

Enabling Auto Voice Split and setting Humanize to a high value in the Studio Instruments no longer sometimes causes notes to hang when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled in the Preferences.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when pressing Play after automation has been copied from one track to another.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when performing Undo after packing a folder in the Tracks area.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when a channel strip setting is loaded while the EXS editor is open with unsaved changes.Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when creating a new project on a computer that is also running Parallels.Logic Pro no longer freezes when horizontally zooming while recording.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when loading certain Alchemy presets that were originally created in Chameleon 5000.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when opening certain projects created in earlier versions.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when pressing Command–Period (.) to stop and discard an in-progress audio recording.Logic Pro no longer rarely quits unexpectedly when loading Space Designer presets created in older versions of Logic Pro.Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when Auto Punch recording in Keep Mode with no metronome.Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when switching Room Types in the ChromaVerb plug-in.Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when clicking on an automation point in a project that starts before bar one.

logic pro x update problems


The Logic Pro X 10.4.1 update is a 122MB download through the Mac App Store, from version 10.4. Most are minor GUI and performance-related fixes.


The maintenance release patch notes include six bug fixes in the Mac App Store, but the full patch notes on Apple’s site-and included below in full-list more than a hundred bug fixes. Apple released Logic Pro X 10.4.1 Thursday.

Logic pro x update problems